working routine

英 [ˈwɜːkɪŋ ruːˈtiːn] 美 [ˈwɜːrkɪŋ ruːˈtiːn]




  1. But now that working remotely seems almost routine, the changes have unleashed endless outrage.
  2. Turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime ( instead of working up until the last possible moment) and starting a simple bedtime routine.
  3. Then, I eat good food and big meals as a reward for working hard. 8. Develop a pre – game routine to start your day.
  4. Now that school has started, many parents find themselves struggling to shift their kids back to a working routine.
  5. Your jitters should be over pretty soon, so don't despair. there'll still be plenty to keep you busy, but you're working up a routine.
  6. Make eating well and working out routine and you'll have the resilience necessary when sudden developments – both crises and opportunities – demand extra energy.
  7. The anxieties of the last few days had flayed havoc with his working hours and disrupted his routine.
  8. Experts suggest that working a20-minute nap into your routine will help your body expect it.
  9. Working out standardized nursing techniques routine tbr nucleus-attack wounded soldiers;
  10. Based on certain experiences accumulated through practically solving the problem of claim in engineering construction, the aspects to be taken notice of are put forward, the importance of claim is expounded and the working routine in doing it is summarized.
  11. The bioassaying workers of our country should open up new working fields in addition to the routine work of biological assays to suit the needs of scientific development, and make full use of modern technology to guarantee the quality of drugs.
  12. Combining with the construction practice of one project, this paper introduces the process principle, process flow, working routine and technical standards, and makes the analyses on the time limit, quality, benefit and use value of this technique.
  13. It is the requirement that the hospital strengthens one's own management, and a requirement of improving working efficiency and making information more accurate that incorporate the computer to the routine and carry on essential management to the work of the hospital with the modernized management tool.
  14. The text mostly recommend the working modes of Ventilator, and summarize troubleshooting from routine service experiences.
  15. The structure and working principle, routine troubles and diagnosis of the electric wiring in the starting system are described.
  16. In any working condition, they can easily work at optimal economic routine, recover braking energy and improve the efficiency of the entire vehicle.
  17. For an engineering construction project to achieve the goals of investment control, progress control and quality control, the auther discusses the working routine and method; and puts forward corresponding effective measures.
  18. Have carried on the discussion to concrete working routine and the method and participation method that the public participated in SEA.
  19. In order to know the influential factors on the working quality of routine immunization reporting system, three counties were selected with care survey.
  20. The following article makes an introduction to the performance indexes, main characteristics and working principle of Model JW-3 mobile digital temperature detector employed in the routine temperature detection of grain.
  21. The constructure and working principle of AC contactor and how to select AC contactor and its routine maintenance are presented.
  22. Objective Applying five-routine working regulation in the management of daily routine works in CCU to create a safe, comfortable and effective environment in CCU.
  23. The feasibility research is an important contents before the investment and an essential working routine in investment decision.
  24. Methods Based on the great political and ideological working, the reformation, construction and development of hospital, the political and ideological working and routine working were linked up with worker's ideas and lives, etc.
  25. Methods The classification and summarization regarding to the produced cause and overhauled method of the trouble in CT machine were performed based on the working principle of CT machine and the author's experience accumulated in routine works.
  26. Quality inspections of working routine, including the inspection of pipe surface condition, derusting, anchor pattern, surface dust and secondary contamination, preheated temperature, etc.;
  27. Objective: To investigate the effect of working therapy affiliated with routine therapy.
  28. According to the modular principle, it shows the C language procedures of angle calculation and working of encoder, main function of microcontroller, interrupt routine and regulator, etc. At the same time it gives the corresponding modules of the software flow chart.